The ass biting bug (おしりかじり虫)
I just turned on the Japanese TV to see a children's program dedicated solely to this song:
First they showed the video. Then they had some sort of trivia related to the ass biting bug video. Finally, they taught a bunch of kids how to do the ass biting bug dance. I sat through the whole damn thing because it was good practice for my Japanese, but I now have to damn song stuck in my hard. Rar!
Some parts of the song may seem out of place (the hippos, the important business) but they're actually plays on the words "bite" and "butt" in Japanese. The only one I understand is the part about touching butts as getting to know eachother. The phrase "getting to know eachother" can also be understood as "combining two asses" if you don't have the kanji. I'm guessing these puns are what makes the song educational.
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