Friday, June 02, 2006

I'm Hungover!

I figured this would be the natural extension of the "I'm drunk" entry. We like to show cause and effect here at

My hangovers are weird. I usually don't get a headache, but instead I get a weird aching in my wrists and ankles. I'm wondering if it has something to do with my hemochromatosis and the alcohol just magnifies the joint pain or something. Which reminds me, I need to donate blood! I urge all my loyal readers (all 2 of you) to do the same. People will look at you and say "wow, that guy is tough! He donated blood, I'm not going to mess with him!" Also, you get free juice and crackers at the end of it. That may not sound like much, but that's about the equivalent of a week's worth of groceries on my current food budget.

Everytime I do go to donate blood the nurse always has to comment about how big my veins are. It's more than a little bit creepy. One time when I went to donate, the nurse actually called the other nurses over to look at my huge veins. I've never felt as sexy as I did that day. I should have invited one of them over to my place for coffee...

Packaging styrofoam. Feel the pain.....


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