Quite a Day
Today was just one of those days that for seem reason just seem to stick out; one of those days that I don't think I'll soon forget.
It started at about sunrise today when I woke up in a crowded tent. A group of us had gone camping the night before and I had trouble sleeping in the cold weather while being more than a little inebriated. The sunlight had waken me up prematurely which gave me a whole lot of time to lay awake and think until other people woke up. Eventually the 8:00 folks woke up and we went down the mountain nice and early.
The reason we left early was because my buddy Sam and I had plans to spend the day at the renaissance festival with a couple other of his friends. Sam's leaving to study abroad for the summer and by the time he gets back I'll be in Japan, so this was really our last chance to hang out. We had hoped to get there by noon, but once we got back to Ft. Collins things went amiss. Sam had forgotten the keys to his house and could not get hold of his landlord right away for a spare. The landlord did call back a good half an hour or so later, which resulted in us having to go all the way across town to pick up a spare key, go back to the house, get prepared for the trip and return the key before we could leave town. We arrived in Littleton a little bit after 1:00, but because of some more delays we didn't actually get to the renaissance festival until 3:00.
We had a pretty good time at the festival; it was defiantly worth all the trouble. Personally, I was just trying to soak in the good times, but of course it's never that easy. At some point just before the Puke and Snot show my left eye started driving me crazy. At the time I thought I had somehow got sunscreen in my eye. After closer review I noticed that the pain started around the time I saw a bar wench with the biggest breasts I've ever seen. I'm pretty sure that caused a blood vessel in my eye to rupture. Whatever the reason, the rest of the time there was made less fun by the searing pain in my eye.
We walked around the festival some more while Sam took a break to throw some vegetables, Sam's friend wandered off a lot and I took frequent trips to try and wash the pain out of my eyes. Soon it was time to leave the festival and to say my goodbyes to Sam. My eye pain once again mucked up an already difficult moment just as it mucked up my plan for all good times at the festival. Soon I was 0n the road to Colorado Springs, trying to drive with one eye shut (don't try this at home kids). Thankfully my parents would be out of town for the night, giving me a good chance to take a rest and soak everything all in.
After a long nap I went to the nearby Subway for a quick dinner. Just as I was leaving, a man opened his car door too far and nicked the side of my car. He apologized, told me I looked like (tennis legend) Boris Becker, then left. I just stood there looking dumbfounded.
The point is that even though things didn't go nearly as planned today that these are the moments that you never forget. Because of that, I wouldn't change one effing thing about today for anything.
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