Sunday, July 16, 2006

Wedded bliss supplemental

Kristenaugh was disappointed that I left out a lot of details about the wedding, so I'll add them here!

-The wedding reception was held in these event room thingie that had garage doors around the walls that doubled as windows. This was funny because I had predicted the wedding would be in a parking garage earlier that day.
-Kristenaugh unmercifully mocked Sabrinuh's wedding dress. It was a plain looking white dress with some black trim stuff on it. Kristenaugh insisted it looked like a prom dress.
-We didn't feel so bad mocking it because Sabrinuh was already technically married. This was just a formality to please her parents.
-One of the kids swimming in the pool came up to the window to the reception area to see what was going on. She was a fat little girl in a bikini, which was disturbing in itself. Her gut was smashed up against the glass as she was trying to peep inside. The image is burned in my memory...
-Kristenaugh desperately wanted to catch the bouquet. When the bouquet was thrown, Krisetnaugh made a diving leap to try and catch it. Unfortunately, she lost out to one of the lesbians. This was clearly an unfair situation for the one straight female at the wedding.


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