Monday Madness!
Ok, right off the bat I'll tell you that the title is misleading. I just needed a hook to get people reading!
I figure I'd just write a quick entry since it's been awhile since my last post. I can just imagine all of you getting restless without being able to read about the mundane details of my everyday life!
This last week as been pretty much more of the same: Tennis, sleeping, jogging and the occasional meal. I've also been going around to places to see if I can find some good deals on clothing, especially dress clothes (but what I really need is a bunch of freaking everyday clothes). I've also been keeping a little busy with this game called "The Ship" which I downloaded for a trial deal. You're put on a cruise ship and assigned to murder another passenger while being hunted at the same time. I can't get it to work on the internet so I'm stuck killing the computer controlled characters, most of whom seem to have a mental handicap. This means that they're obnoxiously easy to kill, and very rarely does one get up enough gumption to even attempt to kill me! I imagine this game would be 20x as fun with real people. I just don't know if I'd shell out the $20 for the real version.
Speaking of which, I'm broke again. Thankfully I just paid the last set of bills for my life here (I think). I also agreed to buy a whole bunch of stuff from the person I'm taking over for in Japan (including $70 for a phone. I was a little dubious about buying it but I didn't want to be an asshole about it either). I /should/ have more than enough money to bring over there for my first month without a paycheck unless I decide to go on a huge bender. I might move out of my place a little bit early to try and save some money by mooching off my parents, but this would mean spending a ton of time back with my parents. See "I visited my parents" for more details.
Last night I watched the documentary "Darwin's nightmare" about how a kind of perch was introduced into Lake Victoria and subsequently destroyed the ecosystem and the lives of the people who depended on the lake for subsistence. The Anthropologist in me thought it was pretty good but honestly I found it to be pretty dull. And yes, I realize the irony of me saying something was boring after watching several hours of tennis earlier that day.
I also feel that I should mention the supreme court's ruling which limited the power of military tribunals. I don't really have anything to say about it really, somebody just told me that mentioning current events in my blog will get me more traffic. Did you fall for it?!
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